Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30th-October 4th

Wow, can you believe Fall is already here and one more day until October.

This week I am sending home a homework packet on Monday and it will be due on Friday October 4th. Included in the packet will be 1 weeks reading log, backpack reader story, spelling and math homework. Students should still work on their reading lessons each night and sight word practice along with the backpack reader and nightly reading. 
Backpack Reader-this is a new program that K-3 grade will be implementing. Your child will take home a story each week. They need to practice the story each night. On the cover of the homework packet is a place for parents to initial showing that their child read the backpack reader story. On Fridays your student will be given a short 3 question quiz on the story to test for comprehension of the story. 

Question of the week: How do wild animals take care of their babies?

Language Arts Connection: Nouns in sentences; Verbs in sentences and adjectives or describing words. Declarative sentences. 

Writing: Review adding nouns to sentences and being able to pick nouns out of a sentence. Adding verbs to sentences and being able to pick verbs out of a sentence. Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. Using adjectives to describe our nouns. Writing declarative sentences.

Reading: We will be reading the story titled "A Fox and a Kit" and discuss characters and setting, and major events in a story using key details. 

Math: Subtraction- defining the terms take away, difference, minus, subtraction sentence . 

Spelling/Phonic- plural -s, ending -ing, review short /o/, final /ck/
1. sit     2. sits     3. win
4.wins     5. fit   6. fits
7. hit       8. hits      9. nap
*11. her  12. too
 Sentence: I sit on the rock.

1. sit     2. sits     3. win
4.wins     5. fit   6. fits
7. hit       8. hits      9. nap
10.naps  11. adds 12. tags
13. grins  14. claps
*15. her 16. too
 Sentence: He claps when he hits the ball.

1. sit     2. sits     3. win

4.wins     5. fit   6. fits

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23rd-September 27th

Question of the week: How do animals help people?

Language Arts Connection: Nouns in sentences; Verbs in sentences and adjectives or describing words. Predicates of a sentence. 

Writing: Review adding nouns to sentences and being able to pick nouns out of a sentence. Adding verbs to sentences and being able to pick verbs out of a sentence. Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. Using adjectives to describe our nouns. New concept: a predicate of a sentence is the action part. It tells what a person or thing does.  

Reading: We will be reading the stories titled "The Big Blue Ox" and discuss characters and setting, and major events in a story using key details. 

Math: Subtraction- defining the terms take away, difference, minus, subtraction sentence . 

Spelling/Phonic- short /o/, plural -s, review short /i/, final /ck/, /x/

1. hot      2. hop     3. pot
4. pop     5. mop     6. got
7. ox       8. lock     9. rock  *11. help  12. use
 Sentence: I hop on the rock.

1. hot      2. hop     3. pot
4. pop     5. mop     6. got
7. ox       8. lock     9. rock  11. block  12. clock
13. sock   14. knock
*15. help  16. use
 Sentence: I knock on hot rock.

1. hot      2. hop     3. pot
4. pop     5. mop   6. got

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 16th-September 20th

Question of the week: Who helps animals? Introduce a KWL chart

Language Arts Connection: Nouns in sentences; Verbs in sentences and adjectives or describing words. Subjects of a sentence. 

Writing: Review adding nouns to sentences and being able to pick nouns out of a sentence. Adding verbs to sentences and being able to pick verbs out of a sentence. Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. Using adjectives to describe our nouns. New concept: A subject is a naming part of a sentence.  

Reading: We will be reading the stories titled "Pig in a Wig" and discuss characters and setting, and major events in a story using key details. We will also compare and contrast the two stories. 

Math: Subtraction- defining the terms take away, difference, minus, subtraction sentence . 

Spelling/Phonic- short /i/, final /x/, review short /a/, final /ck/

1. six       2. lip      3. in
4. wig       5. it       6. did
7. mix      8. sit      9. pin
10.fix     *11. she   12. take
Sentence: Fix the six wigs.  

1. six       2. lip      3. in
4. wig       5. it       6. did
7. mix      8. sit      9. pin
10.fix       11. pick  12. sick
13. kick    14. stick
*15. she   16. take
Sentence: Pick up the wig. 

1. six       2. lip      3. in
4. wig       5. it       6. did

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 9th- September 13th

Question of the week: What do pets need?

Language Arts Connection: Nouns in sentences; Verbs in sentences and adjectives or describing words.

Writing: Adding nouns to sentences and being able to pick nouns out of a sentence. Adding verbs to sentences and being able to pick verbs out of a sentence. Demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. Using adjectives to describe our nouns. Use end punctuation for sentences. 

Reading: We will be reading the story "Sam, Come Back" and discuss characters and setting, and major events in a story using key details.

Math: Addition-defining the terms plus, equals, addition sentence, sum. 

Spelling/Phonic- short /a/, final /ck/

This week we will start 3 different spelling groups your child will be assigned to a group either Ruby, Emerald, or Diamond. If you have questions on which group your child is in please feel free to ask. Most of the words this week will be a review but this week we will be adding a dictation sentence. Students will need to write the sentence on the test with capital letter at the beginning and correct punctuation at the end. We have been working on sentence structure and will continue this week, having a sentence dictation gives us great practice on writing sentences.  I will say the sentence to them they will not need to memorize it. This week I will also be looking at the way letters are written, we have been talking about the importance of capital letters and how they should not be in our spelling words unless they are a name or at the beginning of a sentence. I do this because students tend to write b's, d's, p's and q's as capital letters because they do not know which way they correctly go as a lower case letter the only way for us to know they need help with this is to make sure they are understanding and writing them correctly.

1 .at           6. am
2 .can         7. bat
3. cat         8. mad
4. back      9. ran
5. dad       10. sack
11. come  12. Way
Sentence: My dad ran.

1 .at           6. am
2 .can         7. bat
3. cat         8. mad
4. back      9. ran
5. dad       10. sack
11. hand   12. flat
13. come  14. way
Sentence: My dad ran.

1. am        2. at
3. can       4. ran
5. bat       6. cat

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 1st-September 7th

Question of the week: Who is in our family?
Language Arts Connection: Nouns in sentences; Verbs in sentences
Writing: Adding nouns to sentences and being able to pick nouns out of a sentence. Adding verbs to sentences and being able to pick verbs out of a sentence.
Reading: We will be reading the story "Snap" and "Tip and Tam" and discuss characters and setting in a story.
Math: Addition-defining the terms plus, equals, addition sentence, sum, difference.
Spelling- short /i/ words

This weeks spelling words are:
1. in
2. fin
3. win
4. pin
5. wig
6. pig
7. and
8. pan
9. am
10. yes
11. make
12. they